The Tech Talent Blueprint

The Demise of the One-Page Resume

For many years, the one-page resume was considered the gold standard for job seekers. It was believed that hiring managers and recruiters had limited time and would only glance at resumes briefly, making conciseness a critical factor. However, recent trends and studies suggest that the one-page resume may no longer be sufficient in today’s job market.

The Shift in Recruiter Preferences

A comprehensive study by ResumeGo highlights a significant shift in recruiter preferences towards longer resumes. In a simulated hiring process involving 482 experienced recruiters, it was found that two-page resumes were preferred over one-page resumes at a rate of 2.3 to 1. This preference was consistent across all job levels, from entry-level positions to executive roles. The recruiters spent nearly twice as much time reviewing two-page resumes compared to one-page ones, indicating a desire for more detailed information about candidates’ qualifications and experiences​ (ClearanceJobs)​​ (Resumehead)​.

Detailed Experience and Achievements

One of the primary reasons for the growing preference for longer resumes is the need for detailed information. Employers are increasingly looking for specific details about candidates’ experiences, skills, and accomplishments. A one-page resume often fails to provide a comprehensive view of a candidate’s professional history, especially for those with extensive experience or significant achievements. According to Enhancv’s analysis of over 12,000 resumes, there is a notable trend towards including quantifiable achievements, which often require more space to describe effectively​ (Enhancv)​.

The Value of an Executive Summary

Longer resumes allow for the inclusion of an executive summary, a brief statement highlighting a candidate’s most important qualifications and achievements. This summary serves as an immediate attention-grabber for recruiters, providing a snapshot of the candidate’s value. The executive summary is particularly beneficial for professionals with a diverse skill set or those transitioning into new fields, as it helps to quickly convey the most relevant information​ (Resumehead)​.

Industry-Specific Considerations

Certain industries and roles demand more detailed resumes. For example, roles in technology, finance, or academia often require a thorough overview of a candidate’s projects, publications, and technical skills. A one-page resume simply cannot accommodate the depth of information needed for these positions. As the job market becomes more specialized, the need for industry-specific details becomes more critical, further rendering the one-page resume obsolete​ (Resumehead)​​ (Enhancv)​.

The Impact of Remote Work

The rise of remote work has also influenced resume trends. With remote positions, recruiters are interested in understanding a candidate’s ability to work independently, manage time effectively, and contribute to virtual teams. This requires more detailed explanations of past remote work experiences and the tools and methods used to succeed in such environments. A longer resume provides the necessary space to elaborate on these points, making it more suitable for remote job applications​ (Enhancv)​.

Tailoring Resumes for Specific Roles

Modern job seekers are advised to tailor their resumes for each application, highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences. While this can be done with a one-page resume, it often requires extensive editing and omission of potentially important information. A two-page resume offers more flexibility, allowing candidates to include all relevant details without compromising on clarity or readability​ (ClearanceJobs)​.


The one-page resume, once the standard, is increasingly viewed as insufficient in today’s job market. Detailed job descriptions, quantifiable achievements, industry-specific requirements, and the rise of remote work necessitate a more comprehensive approach to resume writing. Two-page resumes are not only becoming more accepted but are also preferred by many recruiters and hiring managers. For job seekers, this means focusing on content quality over strict length limitations and ensuring that their resumes provide a full and accurate representation of their qualifications.

For those looking to optimize their resumes for modern job applications, embracing the two-page format can provide the necessary space to effectively showcase their skills, experiences, and accomplishments. This shift reflects a broader trend towards valuing depth and detail in the hiring process, aligning with the evolving needs of today’s employers.

For further details and supporting statistics, you can refer to sources such as ResumeGo’s study on recruiter preferences and Enhancv’s analysis of resume trends​ (ClearanceJobs)​​ (Enhancv)​​ (Resumehead)​.


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